Sensitive Skin Problem at Woman

Sensitive Skin Problem at Woman 
Every woman surely wishs healthy skin and doesn't experience problem. Its fact, not a few skins which is easy experiences problem. Like irritation of skin, acne and still many again.
Skin which is easy experiences the problem is recognized as sensitive skin. Sensitive skin type actually not exist, the is skin that is is not maintained, so that easy to experience problem.
Some problems which is easy happened at skin tending to sensitive is : 
1. Acne (Pimples) 
Acne is main problem at sensitive skin. This acne differs from acne happened as result of change hormonal, like the one happened at the age of adolescent or pregnancy.
Acne at sensitive skin is chafing under skin, as manifestasi rejection of body to existence of foreign object. When thin skin layer and the dampness is hardly less, of course would be susceptible to the entry of bacterium and dirt.
As a form of rejection of body to foreigners object groaning body, skin will form a kind of chafing to black out it. Acne at sensitive skin has marking like red stone pimple, generally without there is content is middle it, and happened in sensitive skin area or happened allergy, like cheek, forehead, back, or part of other body.
2. Dry skin 
Dry skin hardly easy to react if coming into contact with cause. For example, becomes squeezing and pruritis.
Even, at extreme condition, sensitive and thin skin will show having colour smooth and small vein is squeezing, generally emerges face.