How to Raise Healthy, Smart and Creative Child

Healthy chlid, creative and smart is hungering each and everyone stripper, but to realize the thing is not easy to because needs handling early.
Some expert mutually agreed to that growth gold age of child or usualy is called as with Golden Age is a period of best in applying various life values. Because that moment of brain cells they are middle growed in an optimal fashion. So experience of they are that moment will become finite personality base of adult.
Following tips that healthy chlid, creative and smart of which is easy we apply : 
Firstly, be stimulation when pregnancy and after chlid borns. At the time of pregnancy is done by the way of touched the stomach, invited speaks smoothly, and is sounded off reading Holy Quran. While after baby borns, stimulation can be adapted for its development.
Second, pays attention to nutrition chlid. Old fellow shall take care of food child of so that has well-balanced composition. Since baby borned giving Mother's breastmilk until age two years. Mother's breastmilk having important role in taking care of health and chlid intellegence.
Third, Races chlid creativity. Its way by inviting talks, exploration and does something x'self. Can also old fellow throws open questions of which cannot be replied with answer " yes" or " not", that way hence chlid will impel applies the imagination in replying. Besides which can be done is by providing games which can stimulate chlid brain, for example providing stationery to scrawl and drawing, colours and others.
Important to remember that growing body and also bounces the chlid hardly influenced by situation that conducive and pleases given by old fellow since baby borns, therefore as a stripper is wishing chlid to grow healthy, creative and smart is obliged to take care of this condition.