Definition of Epidemiology and Epidemiology Constrain

Definition of Epidemiology is science studying about spreading of disease and determinants influencing the disease.
Initially epidemiology interpreted as study about epidemic, is meaning that epidemiology only study catching disease only, but in development hereinafter epidemiology also studies disease non infection, so that present epidemiology interpreted as study about spreading of disease at man in its area context. Epidemiology also covers study about disease patterns and seeking of the disease determinants.
Epidemiology Constrain ( 3 element) : 
1. Covers All Disease 
Epidemiology studies all disease, either infection disease and also non infection, like cancer, disease lacking of nutrition, accident of traffic and also accident worked, psychopath etcetera. Even is nations this epidemiology advance covers also service activity of health.
2. Population 
If medical of clinic orients at image of individual disease, hence this epidemiology focus the attention at distribution of disease at population ( public) or group.
3. Ecological approach 
Frequency and distribution of disease studied from reasoning of at overall of man area either physical area, biological and also social. This thing intended ecological approach.