Antipasmodic, Antituberculosis and Antitussive Drugs

An Antispasmodic is drug applied to cure or assuages spastics, that is reducing artless muscular tissue high voltage.
Antispasmodic Drugs is divided to to become 2 faction :
1. Neurotrop Spasmolityt, works is indirect at muscular tissue
Example : Atropine, Belladonnae Extractum
2. Is working direct at muscular tissue 
Example : Dipyridomole, Theophylline, Papaverini Hydrochloridum
An Antituberculosis is drug applied to cure emphysema or tuberculosis which caused by bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a pathogenic bacterial species in the family Mycobacteriaceae and the causative agent of most cases of tuberculosis. 
Example : INH, SNUGLY, Rifampicin, Aetambutol.
An Antitussive is drug applied to cure disease coughs.
Cough medicine is divided to to become two big factions that is :
1. Exspektorants, drug heightening secretion of exhalation channel and or liquefies phlegm that easy to be released.
Example : Ammonum Chloride, Glyceryl Guaiacolate, Kalii Iodidum.
2. Antitussive matter, pressing brake drug coughs and the point of application earns is central or perifer.
Example : Codeinum, Dicodid, Clobutinol, Clofedanol, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromidum, Noscapine, Benzonatate.