Brain Tumor Types

Brain tumor is growth of abnormal cell in brain. 
There is 2 tumor types, that is : 
1. Benign Tumor 
Benign Tumor is growing tumor inch by inch and doesn't disseminate to other parts at body. If can thrown, this tumor will not generate problem again. But, however, if located nearby important brain structure, this tumor can generate health threat which is serious because its(the big growth can cause complication and menaces soul. Sometime this tumor generates difficulty because its(the position in place which difficult to thrown. 
2. Malignant Tumor 
Cells grows this can disseminate to parts of other body causing is called as cancer. This cancer cell groans that way quickly. 
2 Brain Tumor Category is :
1. Primary Brain Tumor, if this tumor come or grows from brain. 
2. Secondary Brain Tumor, if this tumor come from other part metastasis. This usually happened at lung cancer metastasis, bosom cancer, skin cancer, or intestine cancer. 
Growth of tumor will cause gagging, inflammation, and improvement of brain internal pressure.